Working an 8-hour day job can be tiring, having to exercise then work on your side hustle to that already existing workload is daunting no matter how motivated and disciplined you are. I used to wake up and workout at 5AM to try and start my day early (I still do) but no matter how well organised I was, I always found that at around 16:00 I was exhausted, physically but more so mentally. At the time I had a podcast (its coming back, I promise!) and would plan for it during the evening but I found that I could not come up with any good ideas because I was so drained. Redbulls didn’t help either and I concluded that waking up early was the problem. So I switched it up, I slept in and went to the gym in the evenings and guess what……I was still exhausted at around 16:00. “WTF is going on?” “Why am I so tired, I’m not lazy.” These are questions that I would ask myself daily, so I did some research and found out, to my surprise, that my diet was the main issue. Munching on foods like rice, pasta, bread etc. fluctuated my energy levels because of the insulin spike effect.
Since then, I’ve regulated my carb intake and my energy levels have changed dramatically. In this article, you’re going to learn to boost your energy naturally and feel good throughout the day.
Drink Lemon Water

It’s such a simple thing yet is often overlooked. The potassium in lemons helps with brain and nerve function, which can increase your alertness. Studies have found that a lemon can boost your feel-good hormones (Serotonin) and reduce stress levels (cortisol). An Ohio State University study also showed lemons may enhance mood with aromatherapy. Next time you are feeling tired after lunch, ignore the energy drink or coffee and have a glass of lemon water.
Know When To Have Sugar
OK, here’s how sugar works. When you eat something with sugar, your taste buds, your gut, and your brain are put on alert. This activation of your reward system is not unlike how bodies process addictive substances such as alcohol or nicotine -- an overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels and leaves you craving more and more, it just doesn’t end. I know this because I have finished a tub of ice cream in one-go and finished a box of Krispy Kream Doughnut! The rise and fall of blood sugar have massive effects on our energy levels throughout the day, and the consumption of sugar causes our energy levels to fluctuate vigorously until we reach rock bottom and crash. Now I won’t say don’t eat sugar but know when to eat sugar. Instead of buying a cake or chocolate, rather learn healthier recipes that will satisfy your cravings.
Don’t Sleep On Herbs

The herbs that help boost energy are often a class of herbs called adaptogens (helps the body adapt to physical and mental stress). These herbs help our body regulate cortisol (stress). One great adaptogen to boost our energy, it has anxiolytic effect and improves energy levels and mitochondrial health. Other herbs that improve your energy are basil, ginseng and maca.
Ditch The Coffee
Now this sounds way off, isn’t coffee an energy booster? Yes, but only for a short period of time. Caffeine is a stimulant that will boost your energy and alertness but this will not last for long, the consequences of too much coffee can lead to fatigue, increase anxiety and disrupted sleep patterns.
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