Knowing which supplement to purchase and take can be a daunting task because there is so much information out there, some of it true, some of it just total nonsense. There is a lot of noise out there when it comes to supplements, some people are telling you to buy mass gainers, other people suggest taking whey protein then you have the ‘ask me how’ gang selling you their products. It’s so difficult to know which supplement is best for your fitness goals with all that noise coming your way so to make things easier, let’s talk about one supplement where you cannot go wrong….. creatine.
There are two questions you should always ask yourself before buying supplements, “does it work?” and “is it affordable?” When it comes to creatine, the answer is yes and yes. Over 700 studies have been conducted on the effect and safety of creatine and the prices are not expensive at all, ranging between R100 – R200.
What is Creatine
Creatine is one of your body’s natural sources for energy for muscle contraction. It is found naturally in meat, fish and eggs but it has a very low content (especially when cooked) which is why it has become a supplement.
How does it work?
Before we can understand why creatine works, it is important to know it works. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is an organic compound that provides energy for your body to function, if you didn’t have ATP then you would not be able to perform any tasks that requires energy e.g. jogging. The body has three energy systems that work together to produce ATP. The aerobic energy system produces energy slowly using blood glucose (obtained from carbs) and fat as fuel for long durations, a good example of this would be when you are running a marathon. The anaerobic system produces energy quickly using blood glucose for intense bouts lasting 30 seconds – 2 minutes. The phosphagen energy system produces energy extremely quickly (last less then 10 seconds) e.g. sprinting, squatting.
When you are weightlifting your body uses the phosphagen energy system but because it lasts such a short time, your body will fatigue before reaching maximum capacity. A good example is when you are squatting, when you can’t do those 3 extra reps that you intended to do, it’s not because you’re weak or ‘fatigued’ but it’s more of the fact that your phosphagen system has been depleted. So how do we prevent this from happening? That’s where creatine comes in, let me get straight to the point and not bore you guys with the chemistry. Creatine gives your muscles that extra ‘source’ which recharges your muscles, think of when you played Need for Speed and you were driving at maximum speed but you needed your car to go more faster, so you pressed the nitrous boost…... that’s the same effect creatine has on your muscles. Pretty badass right!?
The process boosts your capacity for explosiveness and extends the time you can perform high-threshold activity. That means getting more reps on sets of squats, presses, and other weight-training exercises in the gym, running at your top speed a few moments longer on the track, and maintaining your hops late in the fourth quarter of a basketball game. In short, creatine can lengthen the duration you perform an all-out effort in virtually any explosive activity (weight training, sprinting jumping etc).

What are the benefits of creatine?
In short, creatine enables you do more work at a high intensity for a much longer period then you would without it. So, say without creatine you can squat 6 reps on a 100kg bar, with creatine in your system that number could change from 6 to 8 meaning 2 extra reps meaning more strength and better hypertrophy which results in you gaining more muscle, strength, speed or whatever your desired goal is.
How does creatine affect my gains?
Creatine is one of the most tested supplements out there, more then 300 research papers have been written on creatine and the conclusion is it significantly improves your muscle gains. Taking a scoop of creatine a day (5g) for 2-3 months will result in you getting a significant increase in lean body mass, endurance and strength (provided you are following the right training program). I can certainly attest to this, after 3 months of taking creating, my strength levels have significantly increased and I feel bigger then ever even though the scale doesn’t say that, lol. What’s also great about creating is that it does not contribute to any fat mass!
Is it safe?
Honestly speaking, there is no supplement out there that is 100% safe but creatine comes damn close to that. Research completed by the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that subjects cited feeling nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, and diarrhea as a side effect from creatine. However, it should be noted that the subjects were taking a very large does (10g, recommended is 5g) for an entire year and it was only 3 out of the 175 subjects that were researched.
Which one should I buy?
The majority of the research that connects creatine with positive results has been done on creatine monohydrate.