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    My Day On A Plate

    Writer's picture: sizwe khozasizwe khoza

    Hallo my friends! Last time I wrote about 5 eating tips that changed the way I ate. Today I am going to share how my plate looks throughout the day. When I first started lifting, I was obsessed with bodybuilders and how they ate, I kid you not at some point all I was eating was rice, tuna, chicken, and oatmeal. Although that way of eating was great for my gains (I got up to 83Kg!), it was not sustainable for the long term and I knew it, I just did not want to admit it.

    Now, before I jump into what meals I have during the day I must first share that I DO NOT follow any kind of specific diet – for me its all about taking a balanced approach to food that tastes good and is realistic for the long term. I LOVE FOOD and it doesn’t make sense to box myself into only one diet, I’d rather eat from a variety of different foods that will make me feel good and healthy. Okay, enough about that lets get into what I like to eat.


    I like to have different types of omelettes, recently I’ve fallen with a chicken stuffed omelette. Eggs are a great source of protein to have in the morning because they are so quick to make and are easily digestible. Not to mention, the egg yolks offer healthy fats and are rich in iron and vitamin B12. A study conducted at the University of Connecticut found that the fat present in egg yolks helps to reduce the bad cholesterol from the body.

    On weekends I like to take my time when cooking breakfast, usually I’ll have poached eggs on toast along with homemade muesli and coffee. If however, I don’t have time to cook breakfast then I like to have overnight oats which I always prepare on Sunday ahead of the upcoming week.


    You can never go wrong with a salad for lunch. They are easy to assemble and because of the number of greens in a salad, they contain large amounts of fibre which keep me full throughout the afternoon. I like to also add fats (avocado, sesame seeds, olives) to my salad and throw in a lean protein source such as chicken breasts.

    If you are vegetarian or vegan then you could try a chickpea and dill sandwich. Chickpeas are a superfood which promote faster transmission of messages between neurons. They relax the blood vessels, which promotes blood flow, and increase serotonin levels in the brain, which leads to a better mood.


    My dinner varies a lot!

    When I’m with my sister, we like to go out. I always find myself ordering steak and sweet potatoes along with roasted veggies. When I’m at home then I like to have either stayed beef skewers with vegetables or chicken and Succotash. My principle for dinner is to have a plate containing a large chunk of protein and vegetables


    As a trainer, it’s common for me to have at least 3 training sessions with my clients then have one for myself so it’s SO important for me to have enough energy to last me through the day. That means my meals have to give me the right nutrients and energy in order for me to optimize my day but I do not believe this means I should restrictive because that is not a realistic approach to have. Restricting myself will only lead to me craving more, I have also experienced this with some of my clients. I’m not saying eat whatever you want but also do not restrict yourself, always look for healthy recipes that will keep you satisfied and intrigued.



    Fanele Msweli
    Fanele Msweli
    Oct 22, 2021

    Great and insightful post buddy. Do you keep to those 3 meals per day or do you have lighter meals/shakes in between?

    sizwe khoza
    sizwe khoza
    Oct 22, 2021
    Replying to

    I ate so much back in University (up to 6 meals a day) now I can’t stomach more then 3 full meals a day, lol. Usually I’ll have a shake or maybe fruit if I’m feeling hungry but nowadays 3 meals keep me satisfied.

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