So, you want to build muscle, you’ve got your gym gear set, your supplements are on point and you've jotted down the program you’re going to follow. You’re all set to go but there is one problem…… you don’t know which diet to follow or even worse, you have no clue how to diet in order to achieve your goal. Let me tell you something…. you’re not alone.
With so much information out there it becomes very difficult to nail down a plan and understand exactly what it is that you have to eat. One article says “carbs are evil,” the next says you need carbs to obtain optimum training. One says “protein is all you need,” the next says “meat will give you cancer.” Too much of this information leaves you confused and you end up just saying “f*ck it!”
I understand the frustration but it doesn’t have to be this way. I’m no guru but I believe by keeping things simple and staying consistent, you position yourself to be very successful in your journey to achieving your goal. Below I will list a couple of rules that I have implemented into my lifestyle that I believe will get you stronger, healthier, and energetic throughout your day.
#1 Keep things Natural

A lot of my clients ask me which protein powder I use or if they should use creatine or any other supplement out there in the market. My answer is always the same, it all starts with the food. Ingesting healthy whole foods will provide your body with the right nutrients to optimize your performance.
A simple rule to follow is you should eat what grows on the ground/tree or had a face, everything else should be kept at a minimal. The foundation of you diet should consist of the following:
· Greens (Spinach, kale, broccoli etc.)
· Starch (potatoes, sweet potatoes etc.)
· Fruits
· Protein (animal or plant based)
· Fats
Most processed foods (usually foods in a packet, container or can) do not contain the essential nutrients your body requires to perform optimally. Eating whole foods will provide you with not only essential macronutrients (protein & fats) but also vital micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Things like B Vitamins, Copper, Zinc, and Iron are vital because they have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism.
#2 Don’t Kill yourself
It’s the 21st century and to tell someone to ONLY eat whole foods is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is no such thing as good or bad food, food is food. Too much of something can be detrimental to you but too little of something can drive you crazy as well. So, what do you do? I always tell my clients that its okay to have anything they want once a week (usually on the weekend). A pizza here, a burger there will not hurt you or your goals as long as you do not overdo it. Now, if you are a bodybuilder or you are preparing for competition then unfortunately this rule does not apply to you but a large population of people just want to be healthier, look good and (most importantly) feel good and having a flexible diet will work long term and enable you to stick with it for life. Now this doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want whenever you want. You should still eat very healthy foods most of the time but also enjoy all types of food, you only live once, right?
#3 Eat when you’re hungry
This one is the most confusing for people to understand even though it’s so simple. A lot of the time we’re told we should have a pre-workout meal or we should eat breakfast or we should have 3 meals a day and so on and so on. But the truth is your body is very smart and it will literally tell you when it needs food i.e. when you’re hungry. So, it doesn’t make sense to eat when you do not need to, its just a waste of your time and energy. Rather eat when you feel like you have to. Remember, food is energy so if you are not utilizing that energy then why are you ingesting it?
#4 Time your carbs
Carbohydrates are not essential to your body, meaning you can live without ever having a carbohydrate again. But that’s no fun so, when should you have them? I believe the best time to have your carbs is before and after your training session (provided you are doing strenuous activity and not light cardio). They are the single best fuel for that type of exercise. And you will always feel, look, and perform better by keeping some in your diet. Attempt to have 30-90g of carbs before your workouts and after your workout.
This is not a must, if you train in the morning and like training on empty stomach then that’s fine as well.
#5 Avoid sugary foods

High fructose corn syrup has shown to increase triglycerides causing weight gain and increased fat. Foods that are high in fructose corn syrup have ZERO nutritional value for your body so it’s pointless to consume them.
You may have read that some athletes consume such foods and they are able to metabolize them and this fuels their workouts. True, but they are athletes and they are on a different level physically then the average person so for them it’s okay if done right. For your everyday mom and dad, it’s simply not going to work.
High fructose corn syrup is a manmade toxic substrate that will only get metabolized by the liver as fat. This newly converted fat can fatten up your liver or, worse, be stored as body fat. Foods/drinks such as sport drinks, juices, and ‘energy’ bars, candy contain a high amount of HFCS.
Muscle Building Diet Plan
Meal 1: 40g protein | 25g carbohydrates | 15g fat
● Protein: 5 egg whites, 1 whole egg
● Fat: from yolk, 1 tbsp almond/coconut butter
● Carbohydrate: ½ cup oatmeal w/sweetened almond milk
Meal 2: 35g protein | 28g carbohydrates | 20g fat
● Protein: 100g Chicken thighs
● Fat: ½ avocado
● Carbohydrate: sweet potato, 6-10 spears asparagus
Meal 3: 35g protein | 5g carbohydrates | 25g fat
● Protein: 100g any lean protein
● Fat: 1 tbsp olive oil, balsamic, 1 tbsp crushed walnuts
● Carbohydrate: mixed greens, added veggies
Snack: 35g protein | 34g carbohydrates | 11g fat
● Protein: whey protein shake
● Fat: 1 tbsp chia, mix with almond/oat milk
● Carbohydrate: 1 cup berries, ¼ cup oats, spinach
Total Daily Macros: 145g protein | 95g carbs | 72g fat